Community Speedwatch – We need your support!

The Community Speedwatch Scheme has been operating in Cropredy since the beginning of 2022. This initiative was established in response to the feedback that Cropredy Parish Council had received to their questionnaire survey – October 2021 and fully endorsed during the following Open Day events. In the feedback 73% of respondents said that reducing speeding traffic in the village must be a high priority and 78% would support a 20mph speed limit!

In the past 9 months a group of 8 volunteers have been available to do weekly speed check sessions in one of 3 registered locations either Station Road, Williamscot Road or Claydon Road. You may have seen us in our Hi-Viz jackets recording 194 speed offenders at an average of 21 each month. These offenders are recorded on the Community Speedwatch website that is managed and reviewed by Thames Valley Police (TVP).

I am now looking for some additional volunteers in order for us to maintain this initiative which has received a lot of positive feedback from those of you that have seen us in action. We are currently operating with 3 volunteers on each speed check session which is the minimum number accepted by TVP. Our schedule involves 4 speed check sessions over a month averaging one session each week. From week to week these sessions can be done at any of the locations mentioned above (more locations can be registered if parishioners think it necessary). This schedule requires 12 volunteers each giving up to 2 hours every month in maintaining what has been a very successful start.

Our current team of 8 volunteers will soon be reduced to 6, with one regrettably being unable to continue whilst another will be away in a warmer climate for the next 3 months. I am optimistic that there will be a number of parishioners who believe this is a worthwhile initiative and are prepared to volunteer their help to the current team of 6.

If you can help us, please give me a call and we can talk it through.

Cllr Des Knight

01295 750725

Mobile – 07990 588392



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